Horrendous tutorial. Everything is made to take ages. The game is hand holding in the most basics of tasks (move the camera around for 5 minutes until a % ticker fills up to 100) but none of the important matters are ever explained to you. Trying to complete pick up side quests (the only way to make money) will get your only ship destroyed by pirates with no way of defending yourself. Side quests don't even tell you what you need to do until *after* you've accepted them. Good luck picking up a *timed* quest to defend a ship from pirates. Oh you don't even have the ability to create guns? Ain't that a shame. Enjoy losing your ship or lose standing with the other traders.
It also has the most insane urban bloat you'll ever see. You want that fancy shipbuilding? Enjoy building and upgrading 15 houses to get enough workers to get it up and running.
And of course that means you'll need 3 more sheep farms for clothes, 2 more lumberyards, 3 more fisheries and a new storehouse to support all those people.
Get cities: skylines instead.