3.7 / 5 ⭐️ - includes spoilers
This book started off extremely good and very intriguing, it was so easy to sink myself into the pages and feel as if I was in the book myself. However I would soon snap out of this once I noticed some continuity errors, as well as an unsatisfactory ending to the big conflict, everything had led to this big moment just for it to be so distasteful. Another thing that bothered me was the romance,I did enjoy the forgotten romance aspect of Ivy and Ralph, however their ending seemed so, wrong? I feel that it could have been much better, especially since the last couple pages of this paranormal mystery somehow turn to cheesy romance (don’t get me wrong I love cheesy) but it just felt out of place.
I must give credit where credit is due however and say that overall, despite its flaws, this was a good book. I enjoyed the vivid imagery and the unanswered mysteries of the abbey.