I just played a 60 rated team on single player draft. My team was rated 90. It felt like the 60 rated team was the 90 rated team and my team was the 60 rated team. Every player on the 60 rated team was faster than my players. Every player on the 60 rated team had better skills than my players. How is that possible that I’ve gotten beaten by four goals buy a striker with a 65 pace but he always seem to out run my 80s pace /80s DEF defenders and be in perfect position to score a goal 1v1 on my goalie? That is horrible! At least let the players attributes mean something. A 60 or 70 rated regular silver player with a pace of 62 to 65 should not be running down a rare gold Neymar who has a pace of over 90!🤔
Update 26 Dec 2021:
The game is getting worse. Just played a 71 rated bronze and silver team. My team is rated 87. My
2 ST’s are PAC 89 & 95.
3 CAM’s are PAC (2) 85 & 87; PAS 89. & 88
2 FW’s PAC are 97 & 87; PAC 83 & 84
3 CB’s DEF (2) 86 & 88
GK 89 overall
How am I losing games: 5-1, 4-2, 6-0, etc. to much lesser teams. I might as well be playing with a 69 rated team because that’s how my team looks in EVERY match. Every time I’m attacking even if I’m on a break the computer somehow gets seven defenders in or around the box. The goalkeeper is like a brick wall in front of the goal. I will only score with a few minutes left to go in the game when there’s no possibility of me winning.
My team, on the other hand, will only have three defenders falling back when the computer is breaking on me. And I cannot make a mistake and miss a tackle or the computer games the advantage and scores from anywhere on the pitch.
It is impossible to clear the ball after a corner kick by the computer team. It just stays in the box and the computer players continue to retrieve the ball and take shots somehow through all of my defenders that reach the goal keeper 3,4,5 times until they score or the ball goes out of bounds.
It is frustrating and quite honestly ridiculous. Why give the players ratings if the ratings don’t mean anything.
It is not fun when you can’t even get a shot off because low rated defenders stick to you like glue.
It’s not fun when every ball bounces to the computer team In every possible situation.
It is not fun when bronze and silver players are dribbling and faking my players out like they’re Messi, Pele, or Mappe.
It is not fun when you’re 97 PAC player is being run down by a bronze player with a pace of 60.
I’m taking a break from this game until EA FIFA updates this game with fixes! This is craziness. And if they don’t I definitely will NOT be by in this game again!