SPOILERS!!! Me and my fiancé went to see this movie last night, and wow. It seems like a pervert made this movie. There were too many scenes to sexualize the actress's bodies. (It legit felt like we were watching Onlyfans, which is always uncomfortable, especially when you're in a room of about 50 other people). (A lone male viewer that sat close to us seemed to REALLY enjoy this movie, which means that this movie clearly isn't for kids). I do not think this movie was meant to be politically correct but to make bank on sexuality with some surface-level knowledge of outdated ideas. I imagined this movie to be more political and factual. It wasn't very surprising that this film was directed by another woman. All-in-all, it was very uncomfortable to watch, which is why we ended up leaving just after the two selves separated. As far as the specific context goes, the movie seemed to be not very well-thought-out. The instructions that the main character received were very vague. How did she know which self to inject something into? We also didn't get to see a further development of her insecurity. There was an excellent foundation but I feel like more would've supported the movie better. Also, when the younger self separated from the body, she gave eerie alien/robot vibes, which sort of made it difficult to imagine what the younger self actually was. Is she just another person or some sort of creature? She's supposed to be the younger self of the other woman but, if that's the case, why make her act like that? Some of the scenes have monochrome walls but the scenes of the exercising videos make me believe that this is in the '80s-'90s. It sort of gives a strange split-in-time feeling where the future and past are connected. I'm not sure if this was intentional but it makes it hard to pinpoint the timing in this movie. With this in consideration, I believe this movie is more sci-fi than horror. The casting was almost perfect. The younger self and older self do not look similar at all. The music was weird. Some of the scenes were edited like modern YouTube videos. Why were there so many cuts? It was like a YouTube/music video combined, and the colors and filters in certain scenes reminded me of Tubi and Snapchat. This movie was a huge waste of $40. I wouldn't recommend this movie if you're looking for education or information. I would recommend this movie if you're looking for arousal and/or dull entertainment in a crowd of about 50. This movie had potential to be brilliant but it was spoiled in every way possible. It has been made very clear that this director isn't good with first impressions. I'm interested to see what they'll make next (or to track their niche), but I most certainly do not want another one of these movies.