I liked ALMOST everything about this show and I WOULD recommend it if it wasnt for the fact thatI didnt like the way that pretty much all they did was disregard every single legend and mythology in the show as metaphor, as if no legends whatsoever have any chance of being rooted in realality and in my opinion thats just as bad as saying the bible isnt real. Gods real and so are the 200 fallen angels of the bible, book of enoch, and the book of jasher that bred with human females to create titans titans who also mated with humans to create the nephilim(greek/norse/etc.gods) who also mated with humans to create the demigods such as hercules, and so on. The fallen angels didnt just breed with humans tho, they also bred with animals. And thats how the monsters of myth and legend were created. Not saying all legends are real but the ancient past was far more epic and wonderous than anyone can imagine. Think about it, do you really think mankind is retarded enough to just imagine every mythology and religion of the ancient world, people can be stupid but we arent that dumb. The world was a very differant place before the iron age. Infact historians are basically clueless about anything before the iron age. Imagine what it was like before the flood or before adam and eve were cast out of the garden of eden