Update 5.2 just completely ruined the game. This was my first battlefield game, and frankly, it’s my last.
Elaboration: They increased the TTK to help out low skill players which has made it very hard to kill someone. With this update, you need to land MORE shots to kill someone. This is the exact opposite of what a new player needs. If they are bad and can’t land shots to begin with, why increase TTK under the guise of trying to help them? If anything, TTK should be decreased. But this isn’t the main problem about TTK. With the increase, it’s just harder overall to kill someone no matter who you are when you now don’t have enough bullets for it. If I wanted to play with nerf guns, I would. Also, they implemented 3-D spotting. This game *was* known for its realisticness and minimal requirage for using HUD and the like, but with update 5.2 you now have markers above peoples heads when they are behind cover of any kind (inside, behind rock, in smoke, etc.) which is totally unrealistic.
Personally, I don’t recommend buying this game in the state that it’s in. It’s not worth the money. I also will be uninstalling it so I have room for other games.