After reading the book and watching the movie straight afterwards... I am really not a fan, I just feel as though the book draws on all strings of your emotions and you really get captivated in Liz's life. You really understand the soul-searching journey she has embarked on and you deeply understood why it is she did it. Then in comparison to the movie I just feel like it could have been produced and directed which much more detail and handled in a totally different way. I wasn't connected to the story or the characters, if I hadn't have read the book I feel as though I wouldn't have walked away truly understanding the importance of her exploration of self.. it all felt rushed and it didn't need to be, I felt important details and moments weren't there or were twisted incorrectly... I know it's a movie and it's not going to be identical to the book for screen audiences but I just think it was a waste of an amazing story...all I can say is that it is a fantastic book and I hope someone remakes the movie for the better in future.