Movie Was amazing, its a lot better then the 2013 remake. That was horrible and so many people defend it for no reason. The characters were unrelatable and boring plus they just added in random demons to it for no plot purpose at all (talking about the final demon that came out of the ground) , cant believe people defend the 2013 remake. However this movie was great yeah the acting wasn't the best and some parts tended to be a little bit slow but overall it was great. Interesting new take on the franchise not always going to the classic cabin and waking up the dead even though Evil Dead fans will complain about it," because its not an Evil dead film if they move the set, where is Bruce Campbell"! It was a change of pace that I think a lot of people can enjoy fans of the original serious or not.
PS Evil Dead Fans: Let others have opinions of the film and don't attack them for no reason, I'm sorry you all can't accept the story going in a different direction.