My eyes had never felt more blessed in my life than when I went to go see this movie. I had to leave the theatre room at a few points, just because of emotional overload. Not only does this movie make you cry so hard you text your ex you want them back, but it will fix your marriage, make you rich, pay your taxes and melt all your problems away. You will never see a film like this one in the rest of your lifetime. This wasn’t a movie - it was a full throttle experience. An unworldly euphoria. Goodness gracious. I even went and gave myself a neck tatoo afterwards saying “I love Morbius”. After the first 93 times I watched it, I finally decided to go to my nearest Walmart, and preach to all the customers just how good this movie is, and that they must drop everything they’re doing right now and go watch it. and if they hate it, or say no, they need to get right in their hearts.
Hope this review helped!