When I read the US is based on property rights not human rights my way of thinking changed. Racism is normal. I use this one: racism has infected and affected every aspect of life in America.
I also live in the tension of the "tools and the master's house". I resisted my Father's example of being an insider to get things done. That was in my youth. However I have learned that one can , after becoming well versed in a system, use the system to obtain the desired results. I assert that pre integration that is what \black teachers were doing. Using " Fun with Dick and Jane a reading book with all White characters, a dog, cat, and a picket fence we learned to read at Hanna, an elementary school in West Philadelphia in the 50s. Yes there is huge funding gap in school districts. Yes the majority of teachers, covered by union rules are White. But culturally competent White teachers can produce readers. So the fight is to change the macro while making sure children are not lost in the micro.