The first three episodes were really intriguing and compelling (apart from the sloppily directed hit squad attack), but the show has started meandering a bit from episode 4 on.
The action scenes in particular suffer from lack of tight direction (for example, in episode 5, the guy who is supposed to be a super-hitman seems to pause every time he raises his gun so the heroine can yell "Look out! Duck!" and try to remove her seatbelt all in the time it apparently takes him to decide to pull the trigger), and some of the occurrences are just too absurdly far-fetched to be believable (the mass crucifixion for example).
Basically this is a show trying a little too hard to be Breaking Bad-level edgy, but not quite getting there due to a degree of plot-device overkill and slack direction. Overall though, still a fun and intriguing series, though it's hard to see them sustaining interest beyond a single season.