The book, to me, was extremely mundane, uneventful, and unrealistic at most times. The character development was okay, but I would've loved for the author to expand. The author tells the story, they don't show the story if you know what I mean. The immense lack of powerful descriptive vocabulary in this book really made this a difficult read to enjoy for me. They simply state things, never describing them. "Tree rapped strong. It was solid." Page 158. "She yanked it out of the freshly painted ceiling. Ripped out the batteries." Page 94. You can see by these quotes, the book is just so dull. It's consistent as well. You could call this a writing style, which is true, but in my opinion as a reader, this made an already uneventful and unrealistic book a lot worse. The message of the book is wholesome and strong, but at the end of the day, this book doesn't leave much of an impact on the reader. 2/10. Would not particularly recommend it.