I can't even realize how people think this movie is good. I sat there for 30 minutes and struggled to find the good of the movie. It ranks #2 on my all time list of the suckiest movies ever. It has no real plot or time line. It reminded me of a soap opera switching from scene to scene, the loud music playing and narrating being done over top of the scenes rather than just letting the cast of speaking parts like in almost every other movie, the scene from Beale Street set in the 50s where a woman is singing rap music with all the profanity in her song(I mean did they actually have rap music in the 50s with all the profanity in it), Tom hanks dressed as a fat man with all the fake skin and such on his face looked upsurd, the dirty dancing scene when the young Elvis and his friends watching through the cracks of the building, and the last negative comment I will make is with regard to all the strong profanity i was hearing throughout the movie with GD this and GD that and other choice words...it was absolutely one of worst movie I ever attempted to watch. I highly recommend skipping this movie and watching something different