I cannot understand why people are raving about this. The characters are nearly all obnoxious or pathetic, the script uneven, the premise of the plot is ridiculous and there are red herrings left, right and centre. Nicole Kidman does her best with this unpleasant character but her accents slips between Australian and English which made me wonder where the hell she was supposed to be from. Her wig was OTT and looked ridiculous. Liev Schrieber looks like he’s wondering how he got mixed up in this nonsense. The only stand out performance is the female detective IMO. The local police are a pretty unprofessional lot on the whole but finally nail the culprit in this murder mystery. But by then it was pretty obvious who it had to be. I kept expecting it to improve and I wanted to see how it ended but the last episode was appallingly concluded and by then I was sorely regretting ever starting this series. I have to wonder why Nicole Kidman accepts these silly roles. It can’t be money she needs and I think she would be far better off staying at home with those two sulky kids of hers who never seem to smile and must have been raised by horrible Nannies. Methinks Ms Kidman can’t bear to be out of the spotlight for fear she’ll be forgotten. A bit sad really.