Just watched this movie again after over a decade (probably 15 years)…..and I must say it was as good or even better than I remember.
As far as a psychological thriller/mystery film goes, it meets the mark with good balance.
First, great casting choices and performances all around. Second, the pacing keeps you watching and it’s a 90 minute film so it is easily watchable in one sitting.
There are not one, but multiple plot twists, and understanding the dynamics of what is actually happening in these plot twists does pay off (some have criticized the ending plot twist but remembering that it is a PSYCHOLOGICAL thriller….negates those criticisms in my opinion because in ones mind, ANYTHING is possible, which is kind of the point).
Don’t overthink this movie when watching. It is a fun thriller that keeps you excited. It is a psychological thriller but not one to be meticulously analyzed, or a film to make you question your existence or reality….just enjoy. It is a good film.