This game just keeps getting worse.
You need to be a billionaire to be able to afford all of the vehicles, and the only way to make gold cheaply is to watch 100 ads in a day to gain about 25 or 30 gold. Watching these ads will take a few hours of your life away from you. To put this in context:
It costs $160AUD to buy 1019 gold in game. To buy a TS040 Hybrid it will set you back 950 gold. To upgrade it enough to be able to complete the series this vehicle compete in will set you back another 1000 gold or so as well as a few hundred thousand R$ which is another form of currency in the game. This game is such a ripoff, it's criminal.
Now they have added a new system by where you have to compete in a season race upgrading your car with M$, (yet another form of currency), but you don't get to keep the upgrades when the season is over and you possibly win the vehicle. Now you have to level up a driver which costs gold, the most expensive currency and repeatedly race the same races that you have completed already in order to gain enough experience for your driver to be able to achieve a 0.3 PR rating that will barely get you into the next set of races. This is not making a lot of sense, and is hard to put into words but the gist of it all is that you will not be able to complete this game - EVER.
This game is only good for occupying yourself while taking an extended toilet break.