I didn't look to go to the cinema to watch this because i (stupidly) read the reviews and ratings. I wish i had gone. As a big fan of the early Resident Evil games i loved this and there was a lot packed in there.
The people that made this have done a great job of honouring those original games. Yes they have altered the characters somewhat but i personally think for the film and for it to go on...it works. You have to watch this like you would playing them. Yes the acting is hammy and the plot follows it's own obvious path but if you know about those games and even go back and play them...that's what's great about them and this film.
The lighting and camera angles are great. The characters, albeit very different to how the games portray them, are likeable and there is room for them to become more like in the games.
I was pleasantly suprised and definitely look forward to more.
Just don't take it too seriously. Like the games it's meant to be fun.