As the daughter of an African American man who was drafted into the horror of the Vietnam War. I expected this film to be a beautiful tribute to honor African American men who served. African American men were fighting a war at home and abroad. Though this message was touched on in the movie, it was drowned out by yet more violence that these Vets encounter upon their return to recover the remains of their fellow soldier. I feel if a Vietnam Vet, like my father who is 73, were to watch this movie with some expectations of honor they will be triggered and further traumatized from viewing this film. I am usually a fan of Spike Lee films, but this one was done in poor taste and was absolutely horrific. I had to stop watching it after the on vet who had returned with the others stepped on a land mine. Blood and guts everywhere, it was horrible. Do you think this is a joke Spike?
I absolutely hated this movie. All the years of my life I witness the flashbacks, night sweats, night terrors, and the cancers and other alignments my father suffers with because of Agent Orange and the trauma of the Vietnam War. I lived through and continue to live through my father’s pain. He gave me the name Pring, which is from Vietnam.
Spike did nothing but open their wounds and poured salt on them. He should be ashamed to have used their story to produce a horror film just to entertain people.