Honestly, I was really looking forward to seeing this movie. I saw the trailer and could not be more excited to see this movie for a fun date night. As soon as the movie started it was pretty funny and I laughed out loud a little but the movie took a turn after the first 5-10 min. The sub story about her being a struggling actress made absolutely NO sense what so ever and her family life was also very confusing. The first scene of the movie showed a scene of her younger self singing in a choir and no other time in the movie is that scene brought back up. The movie was such a hot mess and left me very confused throughout the whole story. I almost fell asleep because of how bad the story lacked energy. The part that really threw me off was the whole time I thought that she was changing for the better because of this guy that was a positive influence on her life. HE IS DEAD!!! Literally the whole entire movie she is talking to this guy that died many months ago and donated his heart when she was sick. This movie made her look like a psychopath for talking to the dead guy who gave his heart, not to mention the kissing scene they had...how did she not know she wasn’t kissing anyone. I am very disappointed but at least me and my boyfriend have something to laugh at now.