Not great not bad. I don’t mind aang’s “flying”. I like the genocide adding and the darker tone but there shoulda been a little bit more comedy. Yue’s spirit thing was confusing like how was she a fox though. Love Lu Ten’s funeral and the Secret Tunnel song but the series could’ve stuck the ending better. Bumi’s changed was a little weird but it’s fine. The arcs kept repeating and the elements of the show got a little messy. Visuals were AMAZING, vfx good, the wigs were okay but could’ve been better. Rushed and paced badly. The series was enjoyable overall and the Zuko’s backstory with him talking to aang was touching. The 41st division add and Zuko’s walk when they salute him was my favorite scene in the show behind Lu Ten’s funeral. I like Koizilla though he’s more dinosaur like than fish but I don’t mind. If you look at the show in a more open minded perspective and not compare it’ll be much better. It’s a different show by itself and would be a lot better if you think that way. The acting was decent and I don’t some actors not having their correct eye color but contacts is tough to act. The Freedom fighters felt like a rip off and Jet was rushed. Mechanist and his son was okay but idk why Zuko had to not use bending when fighting but the choreography was still good. The og creators writing episodes 1 and 6 was the best ones of them all and would’ve been better if they wrote them all but they left the series. If they do a season 2 they need better writers but it’s still a pretty good show overall if you look at a broad perspective. CGI & VFX made the visuals amazing and that was my highlight of the show other than some specific scenes like Lu Ten’s funeral and Zuko’s walk when the 41st division is saluting.