First, let me say that The Name of the Wind is the best-written novel I've ever read. I loved every second of it, and had huge expectations for this sequel. There were large shoes to fill, and The Wise Man's Fear flopped. Lengthy sections of the story that impacted the plot hugely were arbitrarily skipped out of nothing but pure laziness...probably the same reason the third book can't be published in 13 years. The first half was fascinating, but the Adem were boring and ridiculous. Also, I'm disappointed the sequel is filled with ridiculous lengthy sex scenes when the first novel was mostly clean. If an author sets a standard, they should stick to it. I was excited for Doors of Stone, but now I'm not reading it. I wish someone else could start where The Name of the Wind left off and write a different last 2 books, because this was honestly horrible. I'm going to refrain from mentioning Denna's storyline, because all the other reviews already said how horrible it is. Patrick Rothfuss was way to horny when he wrote this. He writes about sex like somebody who's never had it.