The show has many original ideas and great acting. It’s great to watch if you are in for a light-hearted binge with a few memorable scenes. However, at times the plot feels too loose and less grounded, with moments of absurdity that make you wonder how they made it to the final cut. The lead actress, Warren, often feels too forced into character and the supporting cast is also made to depend too much on her in a way that you don’t normally see on other similar shows, the roles she often assumes could easily be as enjoyable without much focus on her. I found it interesting to realize that other supporting characters held more ground and were often more enjoyable than her, and these include: Doc, Murphy and 10K. The show is clearly in support of women leading the narrative, which is great, however, this was often accompanied by superficial male characters who were often portrayed as dumb or outright evil. This imbalance of roles was hard to ignore, and most times took away the natural feel of the entire story, an element which was present in the first few episodes of season 1.