If you're a weather geek the only thing you'll probably somewhat enjoy are the special effects. They use buzzwords to make it sound like they know what they're talking about which most people wouldn't catch. The thing that was probably the most infuriating was the way these "PROFESSIONAL" storm chasers kept getting caught off guard by the tornadoes and how they and the people of Oklahoma were totally oblivious to the likelihood of stong violent tornadoes for the day. They did mention in the movie that one of the most dangerous places to be is under an overpass which is ABSOLUTELY TRUE and what happens in the movie is exactly what you risk when you do that.. so don't do that.
All and all it wasn't really that great of a movie and I'm glad I downloaded it online instead of paying money to multi-billion dollar corporations while Americans struggle. The acting quality seems like it was low on the priority list of the 200 million dollar budget. The special effects were pretty accurate (7.0-7.5/10) It was once again a two hour long commercial for the Dodge ram (but I did appreciate them paying homage to the OG red RAM 1500 from the first movie) and last but not least, the end of the movie was completely BS, they should have just included Superman instead.