Okay so a few things. First of all, to the people saying there's no real story here, I strongly disagree. The first couple chapters for me were torturous to read. But as soon as Finny fell out of the tree, I was invested and actually read ahead of my class to know what happened. Is the story depressing? Yes. But it's a book that symbolizes the harsh reality of war, obviously it's not going to make you happy. If you take a deeper dive into this book and really appreciate the elements, you'll come to discover that this book is actually beautifully written. I think that this is actually a really good book, you just need to have an open mind, because this story is HEAVY on the literary elements. Also the movie is really good and super true to the book, so if you have a school project and don't want to read the book, watch the movie and read SparkNotes and you should be good. But yeah, I 100% recommend this book.