Plot: There’s a lack of world building, could be the fact that the movie is quite short. It’s a straightforward story about //spoiler// the main lead running from a dragon after being tricked into a sacrificial ritual. Despite that, Millie Bobby Brown has one of the THICKEST plot armour I’ve ever seen - 3rd degree burns? Magical healing worms! Face to face with a dragon? Sword can easily pierce its armour! And these are only a few examples…
Characters: There wasn’t much character development but a lot of messages of women empowerment, all the men are hopeless in this film.
There was no relatability to any of the characters however one of the only strong points were a tastefully diverse cast and brilliant acting from Millie Bobby Brown.
Overall: I’m assuming this movie is directed towards young adults - it’s a twist on the princess cliche and includes beautiful scenery and costuming though the CGI seemed somewhat off at times. Wouldn’t recommend to watch it unless you’re looking to kill time and are looking for a predictable storyline