An absolutely stellar asymmetric gaming experience. The combat feels polished and well balanced; I know that isn't popular to say, but I've won enough matches with sensible newcomers versus veteran risktakers to know that it all comes back to skill. Fireteam is prey and using cover and tactics, such as determining the right field of battle, truly changes the outcome of every single match. Add on that there is no issue at all of pay to win tactics and the multiplayer experience is truly magnificent. Weapon unlocks and skin unlocks, like leveling up too, are fast to gain and fun to unlock with in game currency that the game does not skimp on providing you play well.I recommend it with friends especially as collaboration is everything. Add on that the game was clearly made with love for the franchise as fireteam and predator customization is immersive and graphically breathtaking and you cannot have a better time as a fan.I cannot recommend this game enough and if its on sale or youre really keen to try it, please do!