Laura is intelligent and upbeat. But Laura I feel your style of hosting doesn’t allow the main point to come out clearly. There are times for debate, but when people are talking over each other the issues with the truths become muddled and causes confusion. There are very few good solid conservative view programs that encourage the moderate and conservative Christian to get out and vote. That’s why I feel shows like yours best serves the public by the host being a strong facilitator enabling their guests to get their point across in an intelligible manner. For example: When you bring Chris Hahn on with Dan Bongino, you allow Chris to interrupt with weak meaningless statements with out facts. I don’t believe he adds to your show even if you like to debate him. It actually makes me want to turn it off. I think you could have better liberal guests. But I have to confess that I have quit watching most of Fox’s programming because of the prominent mode of Fox of using this same meaningless debate scheme allowing meaningless no fact talking points allowing liberals to disrupt a good discussion. The host should anticipate and be prepared with good solid facts debunking these leftists talking points. I feel your guests should be made aware that if they try to waste your time with these meaningless talking points laced with their derogatory personal criticism of President Trump, their mic will be muted. I don’t mind hearing a sound logical reason for someone’s view but I have little tolerance for a ridiculous slanted statement. Again, Laura, I think you would serve the moderate conservative viewers well by being a stronger facilitator instead of a debtor.