If you’re a Star Wars fan that came up during one, or both, of the Lucas trilogies then this show probably isn’t for you.
Choreography and action sequences are just poor. It doesn’t feel like a galaxy far, far away.
Dialogue is somehow worse than Lucas’, but happens to be accompanied by poor writing so it all just seems bad.
The lore of Star Wars is thrown aside often.
The decisions the characters make are wildly unrealistic with zero consequences.
The acting is very wooden and unbecoming. As a viewer who yearns to be immersed in a sci-fi thriller that we all know and love, it simply lacks at being able to get you there.
Every plot point leads to no where and it seems all the writers want to do is build suspense for something greater. Greater never comes.
Instead of allowing the show to be so good it requires a sequel they try to force it down your throat by slowly pulling you along at a snails pace to tell you a sequel is needed to conclude the story.
Obi-Wan felt this way. Boba Fett felt this way. Mando felt this way after awhile. Disney was selling so much Grogu merchandise they forced him back into the show so that our beloved Mando could baby sit some more.
Think about it before you continue to support Disney any further as a fan. At some point we have to stop giving Disney our hard earned $ since they simply don’t care about Star Wars. As a fan it hurts and is going to be tough, but it is the only way to show our disapproval.
“… I regret to report that both our Jedi order and the Republic have fallen. With the dark shadow of the Empire to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder to any surviving Jedi. Trust in the force. Do not return to the temple. That time has passed. Our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. We must persevere and in time a new hope will emerge.”