Taika Waititi silliness is becoming too predicable, unimaginative, leading to an underdone script which just wasnt funny. It also Couldn’t be said to be a “feel good” movie although I started to feel good as I fast forwarded it to the near end to see a goal scored and an end to the many over-the-top exaggerated acting performances.
With an accomplished lead, it should have had more promise but the script gave no room for acting, only a narrow comedic range which left Michael Fassbender looking like a second rate actor with no emotional connection to the material.
Waititi killed off the Thor franchise for Chris Hemsworth, let’s hope he doesn’t do the same for Fassbender career after serving up this rubbish. A holiday downunder isn’t worth putting your reputation on the line, so assume he was paid as an A grade actors while delivering a C grade performance:
After serving up this unfunny comedy, I hope I never to see another Waititi offering again; leaving me to ponder if the producers ever read the script or commented on the rushes. Glad I didn’t invest in this movie.