the most unbelievable part wasn’t the cocky self absorbed protagonist turning into a giant panda; But was instead that Disney would promote a story that at its very heart rewarded a teen for being unrealistically perverse, selfish and cringeworthy character. Sure Mei’s Mother wasn’t an angel, but the whole thing vilified her for being a protective parent and not wanting to spend, no waste, 200 on concert tickets. I’m all for spreading messages of acceptance and independence but this was not it. Don’t compare puberty to a generational family curse that all but one of the family still choose to reject and still be ashamed of at the end. it’s just unbelievably isolating for a young teen making it seem like a unique abstraction , when the entire world goes through the same thing. Also where was the male representation, all the male characters were weirdly sexualised to an uncomfortable level, there was no representation of adolescent male puberty. The whole thing was extremely girl powery, which again i’m all for, but to the extent where it alienated and objected young boys is not the direction we need to be heading in.
In conclusion this movie was a badly hidden attempt on a copy of brave, where Disney have managed to convey selfish and almost weird messages surrounding adolescence and mother daughter relationships