This movie was an animated masterpiece. Of ratatoing was a real place I'd definitely bring my wife and 3 kids there to have dinner. I'm a 63 year old man who has been living on the streets with nothing but a banjo a crockpot and a dream of someday finding happiness. One day while I was in the back of a mother of 3's black suv, her kids started watching this movie. I was in absolute awe I had never seen anything as amazing as this. That movie made me feel like I could do anything. My youngest son had cancer and his dream has always been to watch ratatoing. One day we snuck into a divorced couples Jeep and their toddler was watching ratatoing. As soon as the movie finished my sons cancer evaporated and all his hair grew back. My oldest son can't find a job. He has terrible luck doing so. One day he saw ratatoing playing at target and he broke down in tears. He claimed the movie was a cinematic masterpiece and it convinced him to turn his life around and start a life for himself, the life I could never provide. One day me and my wife were walking down the street and she saw ratatoing on a billboard. She turned to look at me and told me about how beautiful life was. This movie saved my failing marriage. I want to sincerely thank everyone who was involved in this movie, it really did change my life for the better. Today I have a job interview at a restaurant because ratatoing inspired me to work at a restaurant. Soon enough I'll be able to provide for my family and we won't have to live on the streets. Thank you ratatoing.