Love this show. I didn't watch it while it was running on TV. When it came to Netflix, I bypassed it a few times. Then one rainy Sunday I decided to try the show. I was hooked. I binged!!
Some episodes I hated even when done really good. When favorite people died, especially when they did NOT die in the comic book. That bothered me. But I fell in love with the people and had to see how they fared.
The last couple of seasons for me were not the best. I missed the main folks that went. And I only watch a couple episodes of Season 11. I won't watch it anymore.
I think the acting to play Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes was excellent!! Wonderful actors. Carol and Daryl, again great actors, and of course Glen!! Who did not love Glen. Beth, and don't forget Herschel!
Then we have Negan. LOL Jeffery dean Morgan. LOVED him on Grey's, and at first hated him on TWD. But this man can ACT. Anyone who can make us hate, love, want to kill him, then feel so sorry for him? That is good acting. Thanks for the show. I will end up watching the whole series again, I just have to make myself wait awhile.