This was a cool unique game until I got better at playing and realized how awful it really is. Doesn’t load weapons or won’t load scopes if you do have a weapon. Weapons do random amounts of damage or sometimes no damage. Head shots and calibers do not matter the weapons do not work. Dump the mag in someone’s chest? Not enough. Even grenades, incendiary, and flash have no affect on enemy so playing tactical is out the window. Meanwhile enemies one shot you turned around with weapon pointing up in the air or precision snipe you with a Molotov from across the map that you can’t outrun. Want to try to hide behind a few walls/take cover? Nope you’re getting shot up through the walls because enemies have X-ray vision. Want to load your weapon or leave cover? Nope enemy knows when you’re aiming somewhere and will run in as soon as you turn around/stop aiming in that direction. Want to spawn? Nope enemies camp around respawn and completed objectives just to spawn kill and take out players loading and finding the next objective. The button commands don’t work half the time either. I thought this was going to be a realistic game to practice on but it’s wayyyy too glitchy and not worth the frustration. Go get cod or Fortnite at least those games work right.