It was worth a watch, but was very one-sided. When “photographer” is who is giving deep insights into what really went on, you know it’s short on firsthand sources. Where was Garth’s voice? And funny how Levon’s amazing concert clips are left out until the last 5 minutes. He is basically reduced to a bit player, after rightfully discussing how important he was in the very early days. Did you catch the part where Clapton talks about each member, but not Levon? I’d love to know if that was left on the cutting room floor (Scorsese has always been a Robertson sycophant). Too much about Robertson’s wife. More evidence that David Geffen preyed on egos and the “you're the star here!” messaging that most people find hard to resist. Anyway, i enjoyed the historical footage, but this could have and should have been more about the Band. And less about Robertson trying to rewrite Levon’s book.