BOTW was the first proper video game I played 5ish years ago at the insistence of my partner. It completely hooked me and the whole experience was amazing. It turned me from someone who knew nothing about console games into an avid gamer. I'd been looking forward to this game since then and my expectations couldn't have been higher. Thankfully this game didn't only live up to them but vastly exceeded them. If you loved the previous as much as I did I'm sure you'll love this too.
To the people that moan that it looks too similar or the graphics aren't good enough, I say who cares when you have such an awesome, immersive experience on your hands it can't be overly hampered by occasional frame rate stutter.
The care and thought that has gone into the mechanics, game design and world development is truly astounding. There are so many ways to accomplish a task and the game physics are impeccable. No other game I've played has anywhere near this level of meticulously thought out detail. It is truly outstanding and totally worth the wait to have a game of this quality.