*Some spoilers ahead* Basically “anthem” with a bit of “gears of war.” The visuals are okay in some areas, but mostly they’re poo considering it’s 2021. Definitely not as good as the trailer made them out to be. Cutscenes every 5 min of gameplay. Clunky combat and movement. Useless cover system. I literally just use my abilities and melee everyone. Why even have guns? Prepare to hold X a lot...Story starts off super interesting and cool and then takes a hard turn into confusion land. This game started with potential and quickly slid in the mud. New planet, new creatures, biochemical warfare, cool exploration and horror feel, then boom everyone dies and you randomly get powers and are placed in a cryo chamber for 30 years and now fighting for who knows what? I don’t recommend this game. Thankfully I played it for free on game pass. Would have been a real sad buy had I paid for it.