Tbh, I felt sick from watching this film right from the start. I knew what had to be coming for my mob, because history & life experience tells me in no uncertain terms that it won't be good. To see our unique, ancient, proud & dignified people treated as slaves once more, took me back to the day I found out that my fellow Australian people had rounded up my mother's aboriginal descendants and killed, or put them behind wire-enclosed prisons like meat-stock slaves: like one of the exciting, fantastic fiction books I'd read growing up; but this story was real! & in my own country of birth! I'd thought 'we' were the proper, fair-dinkum lucky country of all the world - with equity for all to that point. I wept at the blind injustice and ignorant arrogance revealed that fine day. Now, I fight daily for the equity & integrity that can yet heal our unique country, & just maybe; give our children another 60,000 years into the future: if we listen finally to our 1st people's ancient and successful experience here.