I am writing this review to correct some of reviewers opinions and rates. Especially, Sundar Krishnamachari and Cassandra Suzanne.
You guys point out some errors in some cases of this drama, Actually in Korean culture, That was not an error and understandable and accepted. Here are the proofs.
Back then in 1980's , Korea's legal system was transitioning from military regime (like Military dictatorship by Chun Doo-hwan) to the modern legal system. So It is understandable that Judges back then in 1980s would sentence without presumption of innocence because it was under dictationship.
From your view, in 2010's or 20's of course no legal system is like dictatorship, but Korea was at that time.
So, Without understanding Korea's history, of course those do not make sense to you, and SHAME ON YOU not having researched for Korea's background and history.