I have fun going head to head against my friends, but that’s about the only good thing I can say about this game and why I mercifully gave it a 2nd star. However the rest of the game is just bad. A lot of the time the pitches I throw do not go where I set the ball indicator, and often times go way outside the strike zone. What’s the point of setting the ball indicator if the ball is just going to go wherever it feels like?
The AI players run like Usain Bolt to catch a ball that shouldn’t be catchable, whereas my players run like they’ve got 1,000lb. weights attached to their legs. The umps call clear strikes a ball and vice versa (although I guess that’s pretty realistic tbh).
There are times where I get a hit and the game says it was perfect contact, yet it’s still caught for an out. If my timing on a pitch is perfect, I expect it to be a base hit. I mean there’s nothing more I can do other than get perfect contact on any given swing so I’m not sure what the issue is there.
Overall, this is just a bad game that the devs obviously just kind of threw together without testing or anything. What a shame. I’m very glad it was on Game Pass because I would be livid if I had actually paid for it.