Go ahead fantasy lovers and people who love raven or wolves. This is similar to Guardians of Ga' Hoole, Wolves Of The Beyond, Bears Of Ice, Summer King Chronicles, The Guardian Herd, Horses of Dawns. This story has Raven Quest and a sequel titled Wolf Rider. It's a story a brave outcast raven Tok who experiences issues similar to Coryn's owlet days. But this raven's friendship with a wolf pack is quite similar to Wolves of The Beyond Faolan meeting the owl Gwynetthe. But the Kathryn Lasky's recent serie Bears Of Ice this book Raven Quest explains the need of cooperation, and like the griffin story Summer King Chronicles, Tok the outcast raven is supported and taught a little by the wolves. Plus like all of these pure fantasy books it has a few spiritual scenes. Tok is an outcast raven helped enough to return welcome, throughout the story he even has a friend who had to stay quiet but she was pleased when he came back. Tok also meets some crow cousins who respect him.