I have never left a review. But after reading some of the ones on here I feel I need to without Spoilers…I have over 900 hundred books under my belt in just the last 12 years…. That does not include the ones on audible that I have listened to. Absolutely no series/book that has ever been written is comparable to the disappointing reincarnated version on screen. Yet, This one is great. Yes Jackie is depressed and scared. And determined. Did everyone miss how her parents raised her???? She is trying to fit into a life she doesn’t understand. She is smart. She is sure. She knows what she wants in life. Yet she now is finding her way through a life she doesn’t recognize. She is a teenager… hormones death loss hormones grief fear hormones unexpected life hormones guilt of happiness hormones…her life as she knew it was ripped away from her during a performance. She has nothing left. She knows it can be taken away in a heartbeat. So all of the naysayers, Jackie is surviving!!!! Do not judge. Every person in her life now are just visitors. She cannot ever trust again that they will always be there…. Because her family is gone. She is lost. She is doing the best she can.
The Walter boys. Well. They too are trying to find where they belong. The twins don’t even know if or when their dad will come home from war. How many kids have to deal with that daily. The arts… how many parents actually support their kids to pursue an acting career?(. Nope. Not many… you should be an accountant!!! You may be miserable, but you will be financially stable)you have one who has been preached to by so many in the community that his only worth is through sports. Yeah he is the typical stereotype but how many has tried to help change that??? One is treated second rate. One loves sports but is a girl. And one who is gay.
This family is a melting pot. I love the limited and idealistic views of the reviews of this show (absolutely insert sarcasm here). Actually, in the realistic views of a parent reader and watcher of both series I think the writers are capturing the many different aspects of the lives of parents trying provide and do what is best for the family and to protect and do what is healthy and right for all of their children. The writers are capturing the immaturity of all teenagers in their pursuit to find themselves through severe adversity. Immaturity is not derogatory… it is simply saying without wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience and reflection….
Family in a true melting pot of a home is based on love and only love. These parents are doing their best at this point. The elder siblings are helping where they can while trying to find themselves. And everyone is a little lost in this series that’s what makes it real. For anyone that thinks absolutely any family has it all together give me a calll. This family is real. Shame on you idealists!!!! Great show.