When Welker took over we gave her a few weeks to settle in. But she is a lightweight.
She lets the politicians spew bullshit and gives them a platform to spread nonsense. She lets them ramble on and tries at the end to make a short statement of fact.
We expect more from what used to be a truth teller program and not just a platform to let newsmakers spew non factual information.
Chuck was far better. Please fix her or bring him back to hold politicians feet to the fire. Dont let them ramble on with nonsense.
Your loosing your credibility with her.
She has not got any better. Her interview with Vance was awful. She lets him blather on about bullshit and at the end tries to give him one fact that sets him off again. Her style is to let her guest spew garbage rather than confront them and fact check in real time. Bring back Chuck.
John from Canada