There is absolutely no way people actually like this.
Acting 2/5 at best. It’s over the top and cringy. Ralph Macchio has got to be the worst actor in the history of TV. His facial expressions and body language are absolutely awful. It worked in the 80s when good movies were few and far between but now it’s just bad.
Storyline 3/5. 1 word. PREDICTABLE. OMG is this show predictable. Even someone who has never owned a TV can tell you what will happen next. 2 boys like 1 girl and then become best friends!? WOW so original. The creators obviously read “Making Movies for Dummies” and used every cliche known to man.
I really wanted to like this show but no joke 15 minutes in I knew this was a cheese-fest. I am choosing to finish out of respect to some of the actors that actually do a good job but it’s really hard to finish.