Let's face it Square Enix just ripped the base of Herveatella from Final Fantasy 12.
Either they didn't have the budget and had to cut many corners or they just wanted to push it out quickly and it wasn't finished.
The cave and water biomes only have 3-4 crops. And give you way to much space for the small amount of options.
Why so many loading zones? In a lot of the dungeons you'll pass a loading zone just walk down a hall into another loading zone. What's the point? Oh right it came from FF 12.
Holes in plots. I loved that each person's story was unique but some got a little lost. Like the siren that had to build a submarine to explore the bottom of the ocean but when you get there you find her hometown...at the bottom of the ocean.
The English voice over is just awful. "BUH BYE". Man I felt so dumb when I realized I could change the audio to Japanese. But seriously they had to of put in the wrong takes. Whoever approved them should have to sit and play the whole game lol. "Cut. Perfect you whispered yelled in a fake high voice just like a cute fairy". Not to mention they dont cycle lines. It's the same thing every time until you get the next fairy. The poweups are the same line everytime too. The cut scenes were voiceless?!?
what is up with the cost of things? Might want to check the balances.
I am all down with a game that doesn't hold your hand but come-on something's could at least have a hint. Like what's with the statues in the attic. What did I do to get them and what made it change color.
The quests for some places all go to the same spot in dungeons
The ship is too big for the map
It's a bunch of small things that look big when you add them all up
Best part for me was the recipes only because they gave more money than finished quests or selling items.
Oh and why would you put the storage bin right next to the shipping bin?
All in all it could of been a really great game had they just put some more effort in it. This really doesn't feel like a game from a AAA company but more of a new Indie dev beta game.