One of the best games I have ever played! It has a good job at introducing the main character (Aloy) it's plot with her trying to save the world as she is being hunted by machines and by far Zenith.It really show how much work has been put into the game as you can ride land or air machines. The time where you have to craft a breathing machine and dive down with machines that could easily kill you.But the reward that comes out with saving the world and helping complete a sons dream. The crazy way that i felt betting the game was indescribable as I Take down machines and far zenith in one place. You also save the world along with your friend Beta. But when Varl died it was one of the saddest deaths I have ever experienced in a video game. The fact that you do so much like ending wars and saving the earth is unbelievable.
I hope the franchise can make another game and i hope to see it in stores soon.Over all it was worth the money and i would recommend buying it or giving it a try.