Spiritual comedic successor to Romero’s “Dawn of the Dead” with the one word groans of the dead. Wasn’t going in thinking I was going to see an Oscar-winning comedic “28 Days Later”. The first 4th-wall break discussing the theme music told me that I needed to pay attention during the entire film. The theater had about 20 or so (small theater) and everyone was laughing at the setups and the comedy when delivered. Enjoyed it immensely and enjoyed the homage that re-delivered Romero’s theme for the 21st Century. No incredible Zombie Killing Machine transformations as is generally delivered in these movies and if that is what you are looking for, turn on “28 Days Later” or if you are looking for gritty, “look-into-the-distance” pontification of decision-making, “The Walking Dead.” Throw all that stuff out, go ‘watch and listen’ to this movie, and have fun...with that “wild animal...or wild animals,” because things “will end badly.”