Sudhir Mishra's, "Afwaah" is a thought-provoking drama that delves into the dark underbelly of society. With a stellar cast including Nawazuddin Siddique, Bhoomi Pednekar and Sumit Vyas, the film leaves a lasting impact with its powerful performances and gripping storyline.
Siddique delivers yet another remarkable performance, effortlessly immersing himself in the role of a telecom professional who uncovers a web of deceit and corruption. Pednekar shines as a social activist, bringing a perfect blend of strength and vulnerability to her character, while Vyas adds depth and nuance to his character, providing a strong supporting performance.
What sets "Afwaah" apart is its ability to tackle important social issues without resorting to clichés. The film tackles themes of fake news, misinformation, and the power of rumors in our society. It skillfully navigates through a maze of suspense, leaving the audience questioning their own perceptions of truth and reality.
Overall, "Afwaah" is a thought-provoking film that deserves recognition for its stellar performances and its ability to address important social issues.