For an entertaining teardown, I recommend "KNIGHTS WATCH" youtube channel.
The plot and dialogue are terrible. Its boring. At one point all the villagers leave the village to hide in a fortress, but they don't bring any food with them, but leaving lots of food in the village - they don't want to go back to the village because leaving the fortress would be dangerous; so instead they forage for food... which involes leaving the fortress. Galadriel manages to be both a mary-sue and a kaaren; constantly belittling everone. She sails across an entire ocean on a boat, then attempts to swim back. The king dwarf says Elrond will be permanently banished if he fails the rock-smashing competition; Elrond loses on purpose, they let him stay anyway. The elves occupy the human lands for centuries to keep an eye out for orcs/Sauron; when they find evidence of Sauron and orcs, they say to ignore it and end their occupation. Characters regularly spout pseudo-intellectual nonsense, the writers hoping that when the audience doesn't understand, they'll think its because its 'too clever' for them; example: Why does rock sink but the boat float? Because the rock is looking down and the boat is looking up. There's no Tolkein in this show, they fired the lore-expert, and the writers admitted they hadn't read the source material.
Its so bad its not even a guilty pleasure. Watch house of dragons instead