I believed all Melinda wanted was to be loved that's why she was so supportive waiting to get to Robert broken promises and I believed Robert lost alot of growing into manhood because his whole relationship was focus on succeeding in a business opportunity that he wasn't growing in areas to be a better man. I do believed Robert loved Belinda but he didn't have the capability to love her the way she wanted and needed. He only knew how to love her the way she loved him and that was financially something he hadn't accomplish yet. I believed the sisters could've been more of counselors and helped Melinda and Robert be better partners instead of always attacking their relationship. Melinda held in so much resentment because she wasn't getting what she deserved and when Robert finally got the opportunity he failed Melinda again. When he finally got his big break he could've been Melinda Knight and shining armor but instead a coward. He owed Diana nothing she was doing her job. She gave him the chance that the other lady never given him at that same company. Diane saw his potential and did the right thing. Although he didn't owe Melinda anything as well since it was Melinda decision to get a divorce. I just feel his loyalty should have been more to Melinda. Sadly Melinda same demon that failed her as a child was the same demon that failed her as an adult everyone failed Melinda she needed helped no wonder she went over in the deep end.