Xfactors and abilities make H2H hilarously
unbalanced and unplayable, as some teams have 0 xfactor players, while others have 10+. Even with EAs new engine, glitches/exploits from 19-21 make a prominent return, like the far side penalty shot glitch goal, the forehand pullback glitch goal, the RB puck pick up speed glitch, LT spamming/puck ragging exploits etc. There are also some 21 features that were completely removed from 22, like seeing your joystick movement in instant replay. Slap passing and shooting for rebound were nerfed so hard that they are now absolutely useless, so you basically have to rely on cross crease goals to win.Trolls still ruin drop in games with no consequences, no way to combat them besides leaving and being pinned with a loss. 6v6 is still plagued by 6'10 Black, blonde haired Enforcers with edgy racist names, who take 30 boarding/charging penalties a game, as well as dmen who play more like forwards than defenseman. And all of this is if you manage to get past the numerous loading screen bugs that freeze your game, which are still prevalent 10 months into this games life cycle. Ai teammates are either godlike, or a literal traffic cone, there's no in-between, constantly miss assignments, make the most ridiculous pass attempts, watch as a saucer pass flies right over their stick, goalies will make the sickest 10 bell windmill saves, only to let a floater from the point in 5sec later. I pray 23 is better, but I think we all know the answer to this.